Welcome to the songwriting strand of Through Three Lenses, your place for lively conversations about writing songs, and your guide to demystifying a process that just recently seemed arcane, magical and mysterious to me.
There’s never been a better time produce and share your original music. The means of production and distribution are widely available and inexpensive. Thousands of people in all age groups have mad production skills and can help you record and produce the songs you write.
Why are we here? To build a supportive community of creative folks who help each other learn to write songs, and if you’re already writing songs, to write better songs. We’re here to have fun, to learn, and to lift each other up.
Notice I’m not using the word “teach”.
I’m a novice songwriter, an advanced beginner–not an expert, and my qualifications are non-academic (my BA is in German). I do, however, have a collaborative album available on all the major platforms, and a second album of original songs in production, and I only just began engaging with songwriting earnestly in 2018.
I enjoy the heck out of watching my songs come together, and then playing and hearing the songs I’ve written. The twined process of composing music and writing lyrics uses so many different parts of the brain and integrates the use of different skill sets. It draws them to work together in an integrated and harmonious way. It takes time and concentration, but at the end of the process, you might just find you’ve created something beautiful, memorable, meaningful and fun.
Join us, won’t you? Learn about songwriting by watching me and others work and talk through the process. Show us your songs, coach others, and share what you know.